Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Southern Utah Day 3, 20d

These were the shots over the 3 days from my new Canon EOS 20D. It was my first time shooting with it and I have so much to learn! I really enjoyed the experience the camera is great! I am sure I will only get better with practice and a little help from my friends with similar passions.

Being alone camping at night is boring, you can only drink SO much PBR. So playing with the camera is a good way to pass the time.
the Big Dipper


what a great view from my tent to wake up to

That is right I do have the longest legs in the West
filming the sunrise
I hope you enjoyed this post and the others from Southern Utah. I only hope to get better with my cameras, get better shots, and even better vistas.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Southern Utah Day 2

Native American Granaries

Day 2 in Moab. I spent Saturday running and shooting. Some good shots came from it that I was happy about. I saw the most beautiful, awe inspiring sunset I have ever seen in my life. The sunset shots are not edited in anyway. No photo shop, no auto correct. Pure, raw, and amazing. It popped up out of no where. It was very cloudy and the sun set behind the mountains. I packed up my gear and started the hike back down then I saw the pink glow appear on the horizon, then I started running back to the top. By that time the sky started to turn red. I really learned the meeting of hurry up and wait, then hurry and wait again. It truly was breath taking... Hope you enjoy:

God damn right it's hard being a gangster!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Southern Utah

My drive into Moab.

With a fellow employee moving onto a new job the Moab market was open. I begged my boss for the Moab area, well I really just asked but was prepared to beg if need be. He said I could have it if I could get down there in the next two weeks, so I left for Moab 4 days later. Work was fun, the people of Moab are great. My play time was even better!

My plan was to shoot photos and video. Then, shoot more photos. I was amazed to see just how many shots I took. Lets just say about 5GB in total before deleting the bad ones. I hit a National Park for these shots. I ran all over the park with my camera bag, camelback and tripod. My goal was to see everything there, and figure out locations for good shots for the future. Light is so important down there, well anywhere for that matter, but especially scenic southern Utah. I have UV and PL filters for all my cameras but it doesn't always cut out all the atmosphere you need them to. So that was Saturday. Sunday I took my mtn. bike out for a 20 mile loop, fun, scenic, and scoping for more shot locations. I ended with beer and eggs for breakfast. Sitting around in shorts, flip-flops, sunglasses, and no shirt was great All in all I am happy with my results, and look forward to returning to Moab for work and play. The bus-cation rules.

Day 1, Friday morning sunrise then back to work for the day.
(Canon A590is w/0.5x52mm wide angle)
Days 2 and 3 still to some with another of just shots from my Canon EOS 20D which I took out on its maiden voyage... it was high time I learned how to shoot with that.
However, I really love my Canon Power Shot A590IS.

Monday, March 16, 2009

White Pine 3/14/09

Got the text from Micah, headed to White Pine in the a.m. and I responded with a "hell yeah!"

The Bird was played like a Boys & Girls Club 4-square ball.

Micah & Forrest had no issues hiking the established boot pack up the White Pine Ridge.
The Pfeifferhorn, taken from White Pine.
We continued to hike the ridge in the well established boot pack. Red Baldy would prove to be a different story all together.
Micah scales the bulletproof ice along the ridge.
I think you get the theme, hike, hike, hike... earn your turns.
Red Baldy. We hiked the ridge from the trees on the bottom right back up to the main chute. The snow was rotted, sugary, and offered no traction. I would have welcomed ice or a post hole or two, we were not that lucky. We all struggled, Micah the least, me the most. It tested our minds for vocabulary words that contained more than four letters... fun? Yes.
Red Baldy.
Micah on top of the Wasatch.
Forrest down Long John Silver.
Forrest down Red Baldy.

All in all, a very fun day of firsts for me.