Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Colorado Cutthroat

I had only a few weeks remaining on my Colorado fishing license so I wanted to use up the days. Just like having a ski pass you haven't used all season so you go out on the closing day. (thanks for not crowding up the tram) I started my research and found an area that was remote, good runoff flow, and high elevation... there should be cutthroat. I started to drive knowing it was more recon into this wilderness than actually trying to slay some fish... who knew how wrong I'd be.
I tossed and turned all night, being at high elevation gets cold at night, even in July. Waking up with everything covered in frost, shivering, and needing to pee, I realized that my claimed 20 degree sleeping bag is not very warm, it must need to be 20 over 32 to be warm. (pos) So as the sun rose and illuminated and warmed my bag I stopped tossing and turning. I finally fell into a deep sleep in the warm comfort of morning, fishing was going to wait an hour.
Big bugs bouncing from the ground into the air, sunscreen applied, line in the water... lets find some trout. I caught a few browns to start and was told by a polite ranger to not put them back in the water, they were trying to restore cutthroat here... perfect. As it stood, it was my first time purposefully killing fish, it didn't feel that great to do so, and felt like a shameful waste, but after all it was for the cutthroats so I dealt with it. I think I did a lot of conservation that day as there were a lot of brown trout hand grenades tossed around this day.

Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorable Memorial Day Weekend

To wrap this Memorable Memorial Day Weekend up short and sweet: 1,000 miles of recon to learn where not to go and in doing so I tested the 4x4 ability of my truck. 19 off road miles in 4x4 without touching the gas... creepy McCreepster. Then some river forging in the truck too. I dropped my camera in a river. Then caught both my largest and then prettiest Cutthroats ever.

Monday, May 10, 2010

First Fish of 2010

Out for my first venture in search of fish, beautiful landscape, and adventure. Naturally, my first stop produced many fish, I could spot them from the shoreline. They swam in swarms of flashing red and silver. They owned this high mountain lake. However they were rude, stubborn, and unwelcoming hosts... they would not bite anything! I threw everything at them to no avail. Had I some 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene I would have been scooping them up by the dozen. Short of that, I bailed and headed out.
I happened upon a spot that Yoda had told me about years back that I could never find. A stream about 3 feet wide... and full of fish!
First fish of the 2010.
First fish on a dry of 2010.
After I insured that I would not get a white stripe down my back I headed out in search of slightly bigger fish.

Catch & ...release.

Monday, February 15, 2010


I haven't been using my camera as much as in the past but here is what I've been up to lately...



every time I go I never want to leave...