Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Episode IV: A New Hope


haha, two for one


The Dagobah System, where one goes to find Yoda, and learn the ways of the force. We use Star Wars references to keep the identity and location of the people and places located in this Dagobah System a secret. So if you know where this "System" is located, please keep it to yourself. :) (thank you)

Headed out on a great adventure. I fished this spot the first year I started fishing, all 3 years ago and knew then that it was something very special and equally awesome. I didn't get to go last year because of some reason or another, so I was very excited to be going back, just like Luke, going back to complete my training. The first time here Bryan G and I met "Yoda". Yoda is an older guy who loves to fish the Wild West. His life is dedicated to fish, tying, his wife and family, and about living a purified life. When I pulled up the dirt road and made the turn and saw his red truck I knew I was blessed, the fishing was good, and Yoda was home. He spoke of this place so secretly and it is no wonder why he wants to keep it that way. So why did he tell us you might be asking if it is such a secret. Well I did ask him that and his immediate response was; "I still don't know." He told me what the fishing had been like recently and told me where I should head to in the morning, I listened well to the advice, started a fire, ate some dinner, drank a few PBRs, a sip or two of delicous Redwood Creek vino and hit the thermarest.

I awoke in the morning a bit cold, a low of 27 will do that to you. I got my breakfast of freeze dried eggs and bacon, plenty of coffee and headed out. I had an idea of what I was in for, but what I expected was unlike anything I have experienced in my short years of fishing. If I could put a song to it I would play "Surfin' Bird" by the Trashmen. You know; "Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Papa-ooma-mow-mow, papa-ooma-mow-mow Oom-oom-oom-oom-ooma-mow-mow" (i hope by now you are singing it)

Standing in one spot and not even shuffling my feet, casting away, I would catch fish after fish. They were angry and smacking most anything that came even near their way. I used a variety of dries which produced. Some big hoppers, stimulators, and a few grumpy frumpys (i could've used more, thanks cheech). As for the nymphs olive hares ear, black hares ear, and wouldn't you know it the raggedy andy. Actually, when things stopped working I went to the R.A. and never looked back.

I fished from the time I took in calories and caffeine in the morning until sunset everyday.
Not much else to say about the first weekend in the Dagobah System other than when I was fishing I was focused on the water and the rest of the time my mind was free to wander, ponder, and reflect.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Still to come in November, the Dagobah System

A distant, mist-shrouded swamp planet, Dagobah does not appear in any modern starcharts. It is a forgotten world, and it was the home of the last remaining Jedi Master and Council member from the waning days of the Republic.(yoda)
The planet is covered in gnarled trees and fetid swamps. Huge lagoons are home to fearsome snakes and other creatures that swim in the murky waters. Leathery-winged avians take to the fog-filled skies. Though the planet has no signs of technology, its life form readings register as massive.(from: http://www.starwars.com/databank/location/dagobah/)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

Snow daze

Snow, October, awesome! Some of us are ready, even anxious about some freshies, other would like a few more months of warm weather. As for me I am neutral, I know it will snow and I will be patient, besides I still want to do some more fishing without freezing my hands off, but making a deep pow turn could be fun too! This was the second snowfall of this fall, but much more than before, even snow in the valley.
I wanted to get away, be by myself, to be in a peaceful environment and be alone with my thoughts. Fishing can give me total enlightenment, a sense of calm and understanding. My mind meandered through loads and loads of information and thoughts. It was a great day to enjoy nature's beauty, to think, to reflect, to realize, and to learn.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Devastating Loss

No pictures to go with this blog entry. Friday was a sad day, one of those things where things just go wrong all day. It started with my computer, it gave me some strange code and would not boot windows up. Brought it to my computer guy and it was the hard drive... gone. Every photo, work document, music, everything gone. Close to a thousand pictures and tons of music gone. Every document for my job, and whatever else I haven't thought of gone. Then, I went to the store and bought myself a soda, opened it up and *pop* explosion of Coca~Cola all over me. Went home, changed, and headed back out to finish off my day. Then bought a 6-pack of liquor store beers, got home and while I was walking to my front door the cardboard 6-pack holder broke, my beer fell to the ground with a smash, 2 of 6 beers down. I have been told that bad things happen in 3s, lets hope because Friday was a devastating day, things can always be worse, but please, no more, I have had enough for now...
The moral of the story is to go and buy yourself an external hard drive. I got a 500 mg external hard drive for under $100. I will never have to live with this pain again, and the funny thing is I had intended to buy one this week, I even wrote a note to myself to "buy external hard drive to back up photos, music, and work documents". All a moment too late and a dollar short. I could go to a "forensic computer doctor" and for about $2,000 have the possibility of salvaging my info, but I don't have the scratch, so a smaller $100 investment will cure my ailments next time. So, don't wait for it to be too late, act now! I am a dumb ass...