Sunday, July 27, 2008

Solo trip

Pioneer Day weekend, went on a solo camping trip hitting the water, traveled more than 600 miles from Wednesday night 'till Saturday night. The weather was not very cooperative though, with a low of 42 and a high of 90, with an average in the high 70s low 80s it rained the entire time. It was a good test of my gear, the tent was water tight along with my new raincoat I stayed 'almost' dry. This was the first time I have ever been camping alone and it was a great success. There are just a few people in this world I wish I could've shared this trip with and I wish you had all been there with me.

The storm was fast approaching:
With clouds overhead the rain was here, W&J raincoat to the rescue:
A beautiful flower:
Hmm, what's that? The "raggedy andy" strikes again, and again:
This is why they call'em cutthroats:
A little blown out by the last day:
The cutthroats in this area are phenomonal, so colorful!:

A picture worth a thousand words



Awesome fish! Andy...

I wish I were there with you! The scenery is beautiful!! The fish were in full spawning color... superb!!

cheech said...

Sweet fish bro

BG said...

Hell yeah Andy! Love those colors, its so awesome that those fish are colored up like that all year, amazing!