Monday, August 4, 2008


Went down to Mexico for B-dog's bachelor party/surf extravaganza.
Although Tiajuana is the definition of ghetto, and leaving the country is filled with sad faces and people peddling a bunch of crappy... well crap, the gated community we were in was more than awesome. We surfed and threw down mightily for the extended weekend. Some of us were able to shed old nicknames and some of us gained new ones.
Overall it was a great trip and it was great to be together with some friends that used to kick it constantly and now don't kick it as often as we'd all like.
Special thanks to Keith, Kristian, Loren and Jason for making this all possible, and congrats to "Brendsey".

The Crew: Andy, Eddie, Keith, Brendan, Jason, Kristian, Loren

JC is always watching
Beach Flower
The crew entering the water for a session
Ground-eye view of the crew paddling out
A view down the line
B-dog hurting the next morning
Andy and Jason
B-dog is ready
Dotts can rock the axe
Brendan and Keith
B-dog & Dotts
Eddie rocked out too hard
Cash money; "I keep the big bills on the outside, like this five spot"


cheech said...

Looks fun Bro. Can I guess that there was no designated driver on this trip???

KrisFlower said...

Great Photos!!!! I love the third photo down....I'm so happy that my husband has such awesome friends and I'm glad everyone made it back, ALIVE!!!!

kristi flower