Sunday, July 20, 2008

Good Water

Hit some good water again. I found myself unable to sleep so at about 5 am I started out driving all by my lonesome. Was headed to the Provo and then asked myself why? So, I flipped the script and headed in a different direction. Hit some water I only recently discovered (or was shown to me). I walked with a swift step as though I had a purpose. Finally got to where I looked into the water and saw a hole: "a fish has to be holding there" I thought to myself. I sat down, rigged up, slurpped a Red Bull and chewed down some beef jerky. 9:01 am, time to start fishing.

Part of fishing is the adventure, be it getting lost in the car, getting lost on foot, falling down, getting back up and observing everything around you. As I snapped this photo of a very interesting flower a deer ran behind me up the hill and a large bird cawed circling the sky above me, all signs I thought would lead to a good day... the signs did not fall short of a great day on the water.

My day was ended early, this shot doesn't truly show the lightning strikes and down pour that chased me away.
The first hole I saw did not produce, but it was operator error... I missed. This was off the next cast above the first hole I butchered. I only used two different dry flies and they both produced.
Smile for the camera Mr. Trout.
mmm... this was just in my mouth.
The Longest fish of the day. This one kicked my ass up and down the river, thanks to the bank being accessible I was able to RUN down stream and land him. Very nice.
They kept taking dries, so I would take the "Raggedy Andy" off and nothing. Put it back on and boom a hit on the nymph, then all they would hit was the dry. So I'd take the nymph off and nothing. After a few times of adding and removing the nymph I finally just kept it on and continued with both.
Indian paint brush.
Mas cicadas.
The fattest fish of the day, a.k.a. hog.
Another off the dry.
I really liked this shot with 1/2 shadow and 1/2 in the light.
Fish hitting dries bigger than your head!
Another shot I really liked because of the angle, sorry I am geeking out.

The Second fattest fish of the day.


BG said...

Bravo Andy!.... that's simply awesome. This make me smile in knowing that you appreciate the country just as much as the fishing. If anything, that's all I was trying to show ya, fish and water was just a plus.

Looking back I find it interesting how much water has changed my life for the better, I hope it blesses you as well. Frozen or not eh!

And the photos! Me likey.

MarsBars said...

Once again your photos amaze me. You capture life in your photos in a way that takes a person there- right then- to that very moment. The amazing part is that they seem like nothing close to a still-shot.

Unknown said...

Nice work Andy! Good to see you up in PC the other week. Hit me up and lets get on the water ASAP.


Great story! Andy
Enjoy the great photos and the sense of humor! : ) BOOYA!