Sunday, June 29, 2008

Zion Subway

Matt a.k.a. EAZY-E

Had a great weekend down in Zion National Park hiking the Subway. It was hot, real hot. Thanks to plenty of water to navigate it kept our core temperatures down. The first pool was the deepest and coldest. Some standing water yet debris free. Ran into a couple of groups, all a bunch of no talent *** clowns. The rest of the water wasn't too deep or cold and we got to navigate around most of it. There was supposed to be a few mandatory drops using ropes and harnesses but we only needed about 15 feet of rope for one and in hindsight we did not need to use it. Thankfully, we hiked in four harnesses and 150 feet of rope... pure overkill but it helps to be prepared. I think we hit it at the most perfect time. The most fun was just navigating the obstacles of run off and boulders. The water was not the problem but getting down some slippery slopes was a must. Katie battled the rocks with her head literally, but turned out ok.
K-dog brought the bends with Matt and Katie, and I brought down the blue baller: the last road trip for me and my WRX as I am now going to sell it... but that is a different story. The bends had some difficulty in the very very soft sand and we needed to push it out, with a little help from some other dudes we got it out just fine despite a viscous attack by some fire ants on Jr.'s ankles we made out just fine, yet from there on out someone became very aware and afraid of ants. We also ran into some cool wildlife of a non-threatining kind, frogs, tadpoles, and fish. I didn't think fish could live in that environment but the warm water didn't seem to bother them and their 2"-6" bodies.
Overall Zion is awesome, a must see destination, and one of the most beautiful places on the planet, hope you enjoy the photos:

1 comment:


Unbelievable! Andy! Gorgeous place and nice photos! Are you guys shooting film? I got to visit this place! Thanks for posting!