Monday, September 14, 2009

Four Distinct Moments

Align RightThe weekend had four distinct moments. In no order were they termed or decided. They were not ranked or judged. They were just the four distinct moments of the weekend that we reflected upon on the way home. They could not be ranked, they could only be appreciated and remembered. Here they are in no particular order:

First up. As we awoke the first morning we made coffee a few times to charge the system as it was lacking the juice to move. We contemplated where to fish and discussed our anticipation of what each location could bring, the different water types through the different sections of river and the challenge each section would bring. We packed up camp and started driving to spot one. On the way Amanda stated that she did not want to be charged at by a moose. I offered my input as I always do and noted that I never want to be charged by any big mammals... ever! I also stated that there are three things I am afraid of in Utah. Moose, lightning, and rattle snakes. I am the least afraid of the rattlers. So looking into the dark gray North Western skies I thought we may be in store for some lightning. As we parked and geared up, my back to the bush I heard cracking of branches and without looking shouted moose. Down below, directly where we planned to start fishing came a moose. He looked at us non too happy and eventually after getting close enough to make us retreat into the truck took off down the other side of the river. We decided to go in the other direction. On the way home we ran into him again at the same spot, this time he had his special lady friend with him... ahh fall dating!

Next was the exit out of fishing. We fished up for quite a while and decided it would be best to wrap up and get out before it got too dark. We made our way out for a short distance until the choice had to be made; bushwhack or go back and try somewhere else. The decision was to push forward; wrong idea. We wound up walking through one of the gnarliest beaver ponds ever, it smelt horrible. So bad in fact that when we got out we hiked back down the road and into the water to wash the stank off. The area looked like R.O.U.S.'s would be popping out to get us at any moment. You know R.O.U.S.'S? Rodents Of Unusual Size. We had to literally walk on top of the trees and then they would break testing the durability of our skin and the strength of our bones. The best part of the story was when we emerged back onto the road we were maybe 40 feet from the parking area and an easy trail in & out... oh well, it's all an adventure!
Next up, the moonrise. Friday night's moonrise was one of the most beautiful celestial events I have ever seen. Pictures do all the talking and still don't give it justice. You did have to be there to understand this.
Finally, as always the true goal of every weekend from the end of winter till the tram starts turning at Snowbird during the first few snow storms. The Fishing!

1 comment:


Very nice fish! Andy,
I love beaver pond fishing too, challenging and rewarding! That moose is so cute... you never know what they are thinking in their little head....