Monday, July 13, 2009

Hog Hotel, Kerplackistan, Utah

The Park City Food and Wine Classic took a lot out of me, my liver is still a tad bit angry. I was supposed to fish with my boss and some suppliers but found myself not wanting to get out of bed... ever. It was the right move to stay where I was. So, when B.G. sent the text to go fish Sunday I was all in. It had been almost a full year since I had fished with B.G. and I was not going to pass up the opportunity to go. B.G. taught me how to fish, and when a Jedi Master asks you for something you do it!
It was also nice that he wanted to head out at 8 in the morning. I remember being up at 6, 5, or even 4 in the a.m. to meet up with B.G. and get after it. Honestly I see 4 am through the night now more than waking up to see it. We hit the road and headed to Kerplackistan. On the way I reminisced about the weekend past and the great time I had had at the P.C.F.&W. Classic, and how I was still kicking myself over some of the events of said weekend... a whole other story not to be told. As we hit the water it began to get hot hot hot. The fish were not holding in the usual places one would think to find them. As B.G. and I would figure out rather quickly they were hiding in the holes and cut banks along the edges. B.G. quickly referred to these as "Hog Hotels" as they were just that. Hogs hanging just waiting for the biggest fly one could chuck their way. Then, kerplack! They would nail it hard. We fished one stretch with good results. The fishing was not on fire, but when you did hook up it was onto a good size, fat, strong fish. We ended the run and relocated. Same story, different stretch. We got to about the end of our day but I had the mentality of "come on, I just want to get one more, just one." So, on the last portion of Kerplackistan, 'bam' a hit, I set the hook but let go of my line and it began to spool out. Caught it, gathered it in and snap, fish gone... poor hook set. We worked hard for all our fish and it was well worth it.
Needless to say I cannot wait to hit the water with B.G. again soon!

1 comment:


Nice story! Andy
"It seems so easy! Caveman can do it!" ha... great work!