Saturday, May 16, 2009

Pipeline, Snowbird


I finally hit the K12 (from the movie Better off Dead) or Pipeline. It is the iconic chute of Snowbird's back country access. Unfortunately it is only open in the spring, never really in pow conditions. I have been at the bird since 1999 and without Kristians motivation I still wouldn't have done it. It was ideal corn spring conditions. Went with Donnie & K-Dog, a short hike to a mediocre but fun ride down. From the top of the tram on Hidden Peak the Pipeline looks steep, slightly narrow and long. From the top of the Pipeline however it is not narrow at all, plenty of room for school bus parking all the way down. I can not imagine what this would be like on a pow day, well actually I can, it would be awesome. Maybe some snowmobile poaching will have to be done next season, like bombing Alta mid season... which I have never done, they can keep it.
Donnie & Kristian hike the ridge.
Looking @ Timp from the top of Pipeline.

Really cool mossy rocks at 11,000 plus feet.
The view down Pipeline.
Kristian & Donnie on top waiting for the corn to form.
The Wastach Range looking North East.

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